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Old Fri Nov 29, 2013, 05:53pm
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Originally Posted by OKREF View Post
Well there was no PC, or TC after the throw in was legally ended, just an IW. Neither team had TC, so go to the arrow, which should have changed after the ball was tipped.

Not trying to pick a fight with you, just engaging in conversation. NFHS just opened a bag of worms by trying to administer offensive fouls consistently and speed up the game.

That's why TC only applies for the purpose of fouls by the offense. Think of it like this. Bush V Gore. The Supreme Court ruling only counted for that one case, and couldn't be applied to any future cases.
This was their stated intent, but they only stated that intent in the context of backcourt violations and counts. A strict reading of the rule has team control continuing until the rule says it ceases; which is not when the TI ends.

Speculating on this specific case is only that, speculation. Since the exception is ambiguous, I'll go with a strict reading and presume TC to continue for consideration of how to apply POI during IWs or DFs.
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