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Old Thu Nov 28, 2013, 02:43am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I have worked 3 State Finals in sports other than basketball. I can tell you that I was not ready even close after my 5th year. I had no perspective of the games I was involved in before and if I had the same catch/no catch call 5 or 6 years earlier in my football state final, I would not have been able to handle the criticism that came with that call. There is a lot more to working State Finals than just working the game. You also have to handle people wondering why you are where you are and wondering why you did not do the things they would have done if in the same position. That is not an easy thing to handle. Calling the game is easy, but having people be openly critical in this day and age is not something everyone can or has handled well.

Just look at the 2A State Finals for example and how what happen might follow those officials for the rest of their careers. And not all the officials were directly involved in some of the crap that happened. Even we posted plays here of what took place and this place goes to the world, not just Illinois.

As much as you and I disagree here, I agree with all you said (in this post and the others in this thread). Even for my first state tourney, in 2008, I was simply not ready. I struggled. It wasn't the games...they were all at a lower level than my normal week-to-week schedule, but it was the environment and the pressure of the tourney....all eyes on you at a level of scrutiny like never before and loser goes home. In my next two opportunities, after a bit more experience and reflection on the first strip, I did very, very well and was rewarded quite nicely for it.
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