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Old Wed Nov 27, 2013, 07:13am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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The Roar Of The Crowd ...

Originally Posted by johnny d View Post
But it doesn't matter how many games you work in front of small crowds you will not get better at working in front of big crowds. You will never know if you can or cannot handle working in front of big crowds until you are put in that situation and if you cant handle it, all the experience in the world will not make you any better at it. The ability to not care or worry about the stuff that is going on outside of the game on the court is innate. You either have it or you don't.
I'm not sure if I agree, or disagree, with you.

(Full disclosure: I've never worked a state tournament game, conference playoffs, yes; public high school state tournament, no.)

We work all kinds of games here in my little corner of Connecticut. One night we could be working a "big" intracity rivalry game, in front of thousands, and the next night, a small rural school game, in front of a crowd of dozens, with their John Deere tractors parked in parking lot.

Over the years I have been able to completely "tune out" the crowd. My mind is on the players, my partner, the table crew, the coaches, the scoreboard, and the benches.

Maybe, as you say, I have it, or maybe, it was learned over thirty-three years. I'm not sure which.
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