Originally Posted by tcannizzo
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that I think I understand what you are trying to say here...but I have a problem going on record with this.
We get paid to call the game to the best of our abilities and to enforce the rules fairly and impartially; and to give teams their money's worth and nothing more.
Just an older Umpire Quote that I have picked up. I say it all of the time (Umpire to Umpire). We are unrealistic to think that every Umpire is going to call a book rule K, my point is that everyone knows that. Call a realistic K-zone for both teams and you will have a much better game. I am not saying in any way to cheat, what I am saying is that if you do many fast pitch games and have a small K-zone (Book Rule) you are not giving the teams their money's worth. On this forum I know that I never will be right but this is the way I was taught, and it works. Happy Thanksgiving and remember our Troops in harms way that are protecting us.