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Old Tue Nov 19, 2013, 09:54pm
rekent rekent is offline
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Posts: 249
Team Scores with 6 on Floor

Team A comes out of a timeout with 6 on the floor. Officials miscount and inbound the ball after which team A scores.

After the basket, official recognizes the 6 and calls the T on team A.

Do the 2 points team A scored while having 6 on the floor stand, or do they get wiped? I know the 5th correctable error is erroneously counting or canceling a score, and at the time the officials were asked it was within the CE time period, but is that what is referred to in the list of CEs?

It does not seem to me like that is what the rule is saying...

9th grade game, not mine thankfully, but V coach saw me in the stands and asked what I thought of the play. I didn't have a good answer and want to clarify. Obviously, the officials should have caught that prior to inbounding the ball, so let's leave that part out of the discussion.
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