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Old Thu Nov 14, 2013, 09:30am
Welpe Welpe is offline
Archaic Power Monger
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 5,983
For me, it is the system we work under which is what Mike alluded to. It is a case of the inmates running the asylum.

I've been on the cusp the last couple of seasons of calling it a career and just spending more time with my family due to some of the garbage we have to deal with including our crew not able to get games for not knowing the right coaches. Our system encourages the ignoring of bad behavior from coaches, skewed calling of games for fear of not getting picked for games and many other things that go contrary to how I believe games should be called, especially at the high school level.

In essence, officiating in this area leaves me feeling that we are the necessary evil that must be tolerated but only if the coaches and ADs get their way.

The straw that nearly broke the camel's back for me was a JV game our crew had this year where I flagged an illegal block below the waist. The HC lost his marbles, screaming at me and would not calm down. I flagged him for UNS and my white hat picked up my flag and then basically went over and kissed the coach's ass. That was the closest I've ever been to just walking off of the field.

The discussion in the locker room was interesting to say the least but this situation is completely indicative of what many crews, especially not established ones, go through. I'm about sick of playing this game.
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
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