I agree with league, Ive seen kids "pushed" up, and that can be bad. Don't know this kid, maybe he could, maybe he couldnt. I had a 13 yr old play on my 16U travel team (girls FP) years ago, she has become awesome, but never had the maturity of the older girls. If we are talking a 8 year old here, he has 8-14 years in ball, and then whatever in majors if he wants, and earns, but he shouldnt be rushed. As for coaches playing him, they should be banned for at least two years. Rules are there for a reason, we may not agree with them, but this little guy has been taught by this action that rules only matter if you agree with them. What can that lead to as this child ages? sportsmanship begins at this level,(even earlier) and respect for laws and rules also, and this kid should never have been moved up, no matter how able. There is a lot of maturing at these early ages, don't rush the growth process, the are only young once. This sounds to me as a Dad playing his dreams through his son, bad bad bad idea.