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Old Tue Jun 10, 2003, 01:46pm
JustADad JustADad is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 3
I can't agree with TonyBrown.

No matter how "ridiculous" the boards decision, it was agreed to by the person who broke that rule (didn't say that initially, and not really important). I can't think of a time when it is OK to break a rule you don't believe in - not setting a very good example for the boys.

Next, the decision was made for maturity purposes. The boy is almost 2 years younger than the league minimum (he's 8, you have to be 10). There's more to playing baseball than raw ability - at least I think so.

The point that is being debated most is whether the games should be forfeit - sounds like you don't feel this would be necessary?
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