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Old Sat Nov 02, 2013, 11:00am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by All_Heart View Post
Does the fact that we are under 2 minutes, which allows us to review the monitor for shot clock timing mistakes, come into play. I believe this would be considered a timing mistake so we would be allowed to review it and which we would then be allowed to score the goal. However, if we don't have a monitor then I don't think we would be allowed to score the goal unless we have definite knowledge. Anybody agree with this?

Essentially I feel like this question is leaving out if we have a monitor available or not which is important information in order to properly answer the question. Although I may be missing something here (wouldn't be the 1st time).
The question is assuming that either (a) there is no monitor and the officials judge the shot clock expired first, or (b) there is a monitor and after review it is determined that the shot clock expired first.

IOW, it doesn't matter whether there is a monotor or not -- that's not the point of the question.
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