OK - umpires are (generally speaking) independent contractors. They have made a contract with some person or organization to perform a service. Both parties are obligated to fulfill their end. If one party does not fulfill their end, they are in breach of the contract and the other party is no longer obligated by the contract.
So much for the legality of the situation.
The issue with umpires is many times not that simple. While the contract is between the individual umpire and the TD (for example), the real customers are the players, teams, coaches, and parents. The fact that they are the customers of the Tournament and not the umpire is lost on the customers.
If I have been in the position of these umpires, unless I had a history with this particular organization of being stiffed, or of being painfully late in payment, I probably would have stuck it out and assume I would be treated fairly in the end.
If I wasn't treated fairly, then I would no longer accept assignment to the organization until changes were made.