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Old Mon Oct 28, 2013, 10:29am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,533
I did not say anything about it was never prudent to come to a partner. Not only do I go to partners on calls they ask for help, I have gone to them when I see the entire play. Unlike you I come with definitive information, not questions. This is also something I talk about in pre-game every time. Did you do that in your situations?

And BTW, I have had officials come to me on a BC violation a few times and usually they are asking questions of things they did not see, like coming to me saying, "The ball was tipped." Well that is great, but what the hell does that question have to do with who was the first to touch the ball in the BC and the last to touch the ball in the FC? Absolutely nothing. And in those case at least the official that said something had some dual area. You had no dual area in your insistence you were doing the right thing.

I had a situation last year where I was the New Trail on a press coverage defense and a pass was thrown to the middle of the court and the Center called a BC violation that involved multiple touches of the ball. The coach wanted me to change the call and my answer to him was simple, "He is standing right there, neither you or I saw what he saw." I was no where near the division line or the play and if I questioned his call that would have been the wrong thing to do considering I had no information or anything to add. The official was a playoff officials with similar experience I had and if he did not know the rule, nothing I could do in that situation to do to help him. And I am pretty confident he knew the rule. And I told the coach, if you want an explanation, "Ask him when he gets over here, I am sure he will tell you what he saw." We did not hold up the game, we did not need to discuss the play on the court. We did discuss the play in the locker room (like I told you to do) and he confirmed what he saw and why it was a violation. Actually my partner confirmed what I already knew. I guess you feel I should tell him how much more I know than him, even with the fact I did not see the play in question.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)