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Old Mon Jun 09, 2003, 08:56pm
JustADad JustADad is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 3

This really isn't an officiating question, more of a league conduct question - let me know if I should not post it here...

I'm pretty sure what *should* be done here, but want to get some unbiased opinions to make sure I'm thinking this through correctly.


Prior to the start of the season, the league board met to hear a request by a parent that their child be allowed to play at a certain level. The child was significantly younger than the starting age for that level, but at tryouts proved to be one of the better candidates.

The league decided that it was not in the best interest of the child or the league to allow the player to "play-up" this year.

It has now come to the attention of the league that the boy's parent and a coach (both who knew about the decision) have allowed the boy to play in a number of games - neither the league nor the other teams were not aware that this occured.

There is now consideration before the board to take the following actions:

1) Prohibit the boy's father from ever holding any position in the league, including any type of coaching position, effective immediately.

2) Prohibit the coach and the assistant coach from ever holding any position in the league, effective immediately.

3) Forfeiture by the team of all the games that the ineligible boy participated in.

Any opinion if any or all of these actions should be taken? Any other action you would recommend?

Your help is appreciated...
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