Ever since reading Verbal Judo it has been easier to find way to handle these kind of things.
Lately this is what I do. We are getting ready to toss the ball for the mens game. Guys who are your captains? White 11 Blue 6 gotcha. Right there they know these guys are responsible for helping me manage their group.
Late first half starting to get some complaining. White 11 you have a moment. Tell your crew we are not discussing calls with them. If they have a concern gather it and bring it to us respectfully.
If a player does something that requires a T you just call it. It is rare if you are calling a good game that they will lift to the T level because you have respectfully found a captain, talked nicely to them and you are calling a good game. If your partner misses something talk to them and help lift their game. Let the captain know we missed that, we arent perfect we will do better, if needed.
And here is the super key to making a lot of money with Wreck mens ball and enjoying it.
Get your own partner. Tell your assignor. I work great with Scott and when I have a wreck official who doesnt care it is hard on you, the men and I dont enjoy working. So let me find my partner for next Tuesday.
Once I did this all Wreck is worth the time and sometimes it is great. When Wreck players see two partners being consistent, being respectful and working hard you tend to have very very few problems. It improves your play calling and game management and if you can handle 10 tired super stars after their long day at work it is pretty easy to handle one grumpy HS coach.
Just my two cents. Thanks for reading this wall of text.
BigT "The rookie"