Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by bluezebra
[BMany will not agree with this, but I am there to umpire a softball game, not babysit. If a parent or coach considers a piece of jewelry on their child or player, they need to take the responsibility entrusted to them by the Constitution of the United States or agreement under which they coach the team and have the jewelry removed.
"I'm coming off a Fed high school season where all visable jewelry was a no-no"
ALL jewelry in FED is a no-no, visible or not. The only exceptions are medical alert or religious jewelry. And they must be taped to the body/wrist.
And what has the Constitution to do with softball rules?
Bob [/B]
Actually, quite a bit, but not in the manner you are thinking. Reread that portion of the post. [/B][/QUOTE]
I think you should read the Constitution. There is nothing in that document that says that parents, or anyone else, is responsible for children.