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Old Wed Oct 23, 2013, 10:31am
Suudy Suudy is offline
I Bleed Crimson
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 477
Originally Posted by goldsmi View Post
The request should be granted.

Case Book
4.3.6 SITUATION: Prior to the ready-for-play on a try, A’s captain requests the
ball be placed on the right side hash mark. A then deploys in a spread formation.
(a) A1 does not like the defensive coverage and requests a time-out; or (b) a
dead-ball foul occurs. The captain of A then asks the referee to move the ball to
a position midway between the uprights. RULING: The request is denied in (a)
and honored in (b). The captain may, in seven situations, ask that the ball be
placed at a certain point between the hash marks. However, once spotted the ball
may not be moved because of a second request. If a dead-ball foul occurs, or a
foul occurs during the down and the penalty is accepted, the captain again will be
given an opportunity to pick a spot for the replay. The request for placement of
the ball is permissible for a try or kickoff, after a safety, fair catch, awarded fair
catch, touchback, or the start of each series, using the 10-Yard Line Overtime
Procedure. (8-3-1)
I had to re-read the bolded part above several times. There was some "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" confusion on my part. My first several readings suggested that at the start of each series A could where where to put the ball in play. That last comma threw me off!
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