Thread: ASA & Bats
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Old Mon Jun 09, 2003, 03:07pm
Larks Larks is offline
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Re: Re: This is getting old....

Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by Larks
Why cant the ASA set the standard for the entire season and stick with it instead of another mid season ban?

It's not right to change the rules and standards mid season. Players, teams and manufacturers have made financial commitments based on published standards from the ASA that each bat had to meet prior to 2003.

I'm not saying some bats dont need to go....lets just manage this one season at a time.

If you want to ban composites, double walls, bombats and 50% of the single walls for next year fine.

Just one ASA managers opinion.

You are posting on the wrong board. ASA did NOT change the rules, the manufacturers violated them. Period! End of story. Well, at least until the new standards are set next month

The anticipated changes are a direct result of PLAYER complaints. Not the commissioners, directors, umpires or reps, but the PLAYERS!

And it would be litigious suicide to declare something "unsafe" and not eliminate it immediately. I don't know how many times I can answer this question without getting sarcastic. If you think it's too late for that, just continue to argue the point

Mike - I have no problem with a bat being banned that exceeds the current standards. No problem at all. I agree with you that the mfgs pushed the envelope and the adjustment had to be made.

I also think that if parks nationwide would adopt the 44 / 375 compression balls in leagues and tourneys rather than in just championship play, you would not be getting the player complaints like you are. Parks are still using .47 cors and 44 / 525s all over. In Cincinnati, we use 44 / 375s for everything. Scores are down. Homers are down. Things are going well.

All I ask is that the ASA uses the same standard for a complete season. All the talk I hear is that they are planning on changing the standard mid season and then banning any bat that does not meet it. To me, a person who made a significant purchase decision based on trusting the ASA's information, it's frustrating to now have to buy another bat that may be legal until the ASA decides it also does meet the standard of the week.

Set the standard. Measure the results over a season. Test bats throughout the season. Ban bats that do not meet the current standard. Adjust the standard for the next season. Its not that hard guys!