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Old Wed Oct 23, 2013, 12:03am
wanja wanja is offline
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Posts: 278
pivot after jump stop

Question, an offensive player, dribbling the ball performs a legal "landing on 2 feet jump stop". What are the players options from that point? Several officials discussed whether that player can now pivot, other officials contend the player must shoot or pass from that point. What can that player do ? thanks.


NCAA rule 4-22 defines a jump stop. NFHS rule 4-44 does not use that terminology but is consistent with the NCAA rule.

NCAA rule 4-22 states:

Article 1: A jump stop is executed when a player catches the ball while moving or dribbling with:

a. One foot on the playing court, jumps off that foot and lands simultaneously on both feet (no pivot foot).
b. Two feet off the playing court, lands on one foot, jumps off that foot and lands simultaneously on both feet (no pivot foot).

Article 2 . A jump stop may also be executed when the dribble has one foot on the playing court, initiates a jump off that foot, ends the dribble with both feet off the playing court and lands simultaneously on both feet (either foot can be established as the pivot foot).

Thus for both NCAA and NFHS, a pivot can only be established after a jump stop if the player ends the dribble with both feet off the court as in Article 2 above. Otherwise, the player can only legally hold, shoot or pass while the ball remains live.

I have missed this in the past and am looking for a confirmation or clarification.
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