Thread: Cross Reffing
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Old Mon Jun 09, 2003, 02:27pm
fletch_irwin_m fletch_irwin_m is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by fletch_irwin_m

I kept following the ball to the baseline when I was trail, big no no.
My question is this, what is wrong with that? In many situations the trail is the only one that is going to see the entire play and needs to take the ball to the hoop. Especially if you are doing NF and NCAA Men's Mechanics.

It wasn't so much on the dribble to the basket, I still followed that in if it came from above the FT line. But darn if the ball didn't get passed below the FT line and there I go following it down there. Like I said, by the end of camp I was getting the hang of it. What I also found amazing was those couple of feet from the 3 point line and the sideline which was now Leads primary.
I am not worried about our associations "biased". For me to ascend to college ranks on the men's side would be very difficult around here. However it looks like I have a chance to make some ground on the Women's side so that is where I am leaning.
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