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Old Tue Oct 22, 2013, 07:31am
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Originally Posted by Sharpshooternes View Post
Like I said, it hadn't been an issue until the fourth quarter and I will definately own up to the fact that I was still green and didn't even think to address or worry about it at the time. Agree about if your up your in the box, if you are down, you are on the bench.

Agree with bringing it up at an association meeting, especially as I know there is at least one other school that tries to pull the same thing. Looking through the rules under bench location it does say that it is determined by game management and from what I can tell there is no authority for me to move a bench's location except for safety reasons. Am I allowed to move a bench otherwise by rule?
No, you're not allowed to move the bench. You are allowed to tell the coach he only gets to stand within that box. He's welcome to sit on the bench, or stand within the box. If his seat is within both, he can rise and sit at his pleasure. If not, he must decide. You've got solid rule backing, although bob is right, you don't want to be the only guy enforcing this.

You've also learned that bench decorum is often best addressed before it becomes an issue.
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