Thread: ASA & Bats
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Old Sun Jun 08, 2003, 08:09pm
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Thumbs down Is it banned?

Just to add to the confusion:

"Q: I own a Worth 3DXFP bat. Is it banned?
A: No. Some manufacturers make many different models of bats that have very similar names, which has caused confusion about which model is actually banned. For example, Worth has a “3DX” line of bats that includes the 3DX and the 3DXFP. Only the 3DX model has been banned. If you would like additional verification that your 3DXFP is approved for use in ASA Championship Play, please go to the approved listing of Worth bats located in the certified equipment section of"

Of course, the bat doesn't say "3DXFP". It says 3DX and then farther around the barrel it says "Fast Pitch" (spelled out). What a mess! I eventually found this in ASA equipment certification FAQ's. don't know where to find a list of apparently banned bats that are not banned.