Originally Posted by FMadera
If the ball was ENTIRELY above net height when contacted AND the attack was completed (9-5-1-b, 9-4-4) the it would be an illegal attack, not a block (9-6-6). You cannot have a block without a player in close proximity to the net (9-5-1-c).
If any of the ball was below the tape at all, said attack is legal. If you (or your buddy) are going to make this call, you'd better be 100% sure of the ball height.
yep, him and I and our interp discussed it.. Illegal attack. He didn't call it but the coaches were yelling, "Illegal Attack! Illegal Block!" but as he said, he thought the ball had come down below the top tape.. soooo nothing!
...and it's easier NOT to call that than call it.
We'll discuss this at our last meeting (tonight!)
Thanks for the help Mr. Madera.