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Old Tue Oct 08, 2013, 10:05pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally Posted by BretMan View Post
That is maybe too general of a statement. If you're talking about JV/Varsity for the same school, of course the varsity will have the most talent.

Around here (and, I'm sure, other places) it really depends on the league. There is a great disparity between the urban and suburban schools. Our city league has notoriously bad baseball. There are a lot of kids playing varsity that look like they have never played baseball before in their lives.

The surrounding suburbs get kids involved in the sport at a young age and funnel them up through feeder programs. For many of these schools, their middle school teams could handle the city school's varsity, and their JV teams would clean their clock.
You are correct, very general statement. Big schools around here and most are pretty good at Varsity level. JV ball not bad in comparison but clearly not the same level as Varsity.

Last edited by DG; Tue Oct 08, 2013 at 10:09pm.
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