Mid Hudson Valley NY here, and am a softball ump - but we are all VERY aware of the baseball fees, as we will be getting parity with them in a year or two.
New York has three levels: Varsity, JV, and what they call 'modified' - i.e., middle school. Here are both sports current fees Baseball is 100/75/65, and Softball is 98/74/65 By 2014-2015, both will be 102/77/67
For this coming spring's games, JV got a $2 bump this year, will another $1 next year, then another $2 for 2014-2015
This is all with no assignors fee - the schedule is made by, and we get paid through a local educational co-op here called BOCES . That office administers all sports in our area, and they are VERY fair about making sure you get paid right. The only pain is that we have to fill a monthly voucher out, and have to wait for them to process it. And - of course - receive a 1099 in January!
personally, I work about 25 JV softball and about 4 or 5 modified softball games a season, so I do pretty well...