Originally Posted by AremRed
In my area we have review sessions where we have access to all the test questions, and share the answers among everyone. Almost everyone gets perfect scores.
Similar here. About a dozen review sessions are held. Your ticket into a review session is your test with questions answered (just answers, right, or wrong, answers). No answers, no entry into the session. We go over the questions, and answers. It used to be all the questions, now it's just what are deemed to be the difficult questions. Everyone in attendance gets full credit, which counts 5% of our annual rating, which counts toward our annual ranking, which determines the number, and level, of games that we are assigned.
Those individuals that don't attend one of these review sessions can send in their answers to the rating committee, who will correct it, and assign a score. Since the review sessions are held over a period of two weeks, a non attendee can get the answer sheet from a colleague who did attend an earlier review session. As a result, most of these non attendees get full credit on their test.
Those that don't attend a review session, or don't send in their individual answers, don't get any credit for the test portion, 5%, of their annual rating, which determines the number, and level, of games that we are assigned. For the most part these are officials who only belong to our local board to pay their dues, and maintain their "certification" to wear the IAABO patch, so that they can work their recreation, travel, Catholic middle school, AAU games, etc. These guys don't care at all about their local board rating, and are just satisfied working a few subvarsity assignments every year, with no intention of moving up.