Originally Posted by Moosie74
A couple of years ago our association got multiple complaints of officials for middle school games wearing jeans, tracksuits, etc to the game site and the athletic directors and coaches did not like it.
Business casual should be the minimum for Jr High games, tie and jacket for varsity.
Seriously? That standard is utterly ridiculous ....both for the JH games AND the varsity games. Unless those schools are paying those officials 5-10x what they probably are paying, they need to get a life.
IF I were working middle school games, there would be zero chance I'm going to the game in anything but what I wore to work that day. On the weekend, I'm probably going dressed.
In my
professional work environment where I've been for over 20 years and pays a heck of a lot more for my time than officiating, clean/neat jeans are the norm and shorts are even common in the summer. T-shirts and polo's are just as common as any other kind of shirt. If someone is wearing a tie and jacket, it is either for a funeral or an interview (and that would be the extreme).
My upper end is business casual and that is not every game. I own just precisely one jacket that I only wear on very limited occasions. It is unreasonable to expect a person to buy a new wardrobe for traveling to work a game, particularly a low paying jobs such as MS officiating, only to change into the real work clothes as soon as they get there.
To insist on jackets and ties is, if you get down to the underlying motives, a different issue. Anyone who is doing that is really just trying to make their job seem more important that it really is.