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Old Sun Sep 22, 2013, 10:49am
chapmaja chapmaja is offline
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Originally Posted by tcannizzo View Post
One of my local softball umpire friends also does swimming.
Aside from when my four kids were growing up and did the local neighborhood swim meet circuit, where I did some timekeeping, I have zero experience.

Due to some financial pressure, I need to back-fill softball when goes dormant.

They haven't had their first organizational meeting yet, which I plan to attend. In the meantime what advice would you give me to prepare, including tips on how to persuade the assignor to assign me.
I am a swimming officials assigner, and have gotten a couple messages from new officials. My suggestion to those not familiar with the sport is to go observe a few meets and then talk to the officials.

Swimming is different in many ways than other sports like softball because it is often more cut and dried than some other sports.

With that said, reading the rulebook and the casebook are still the most important things to do.

Talk to other officials and see what they have seen and done in the past.

Finally, don't expect a lot of meets as a rookie official. Expect lower level meets as well. I spent a couple years doing just MS meets before I started doing HS meets.

Also, contact the local swim clubs to see what they have in the way of non-school meets that may need officials. Try getting on deck in any way possible including going back to timing meets.
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