Thread: test tomorrow
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Old Fri Jun 06, 2003, 12:00pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Just at a camp yesterday.

Originally posted by Nevadaref

I don't think so. Anyone who puts some time into studying the rules would have no trouble finding 75 or 80 that they knew. Heck, we have a coach telling us how easy the test is! As for those who aren't willing to make the effort, let them work the JV and FR games if they don't get the required score. What's wrong with that?
Even if you put the effort in, take all that time to study for a test that is really only going to exam your word for word knowledge of the rules. The test still is not going to prove you can officiate.

Just yesterday I was at a camp and the official running the camp, who happens to be a D1 Official and does many professional leagues told us this yesterday. For the record I am paraphrasing a bit, "rulebook officials can be the worst officials." In his words he calls these kind of people, "rulebook officials," for trying to learn every aspect of the rules, but cannot officiate a lick. He further went on to say, "they can know all these rules, but cannot call a simple foul or violation." So if you get and 80 (required by my state) as compared to 100, the official with the 100 score is not necessarily a better official than the official that only scored an 80. So when I hear an official that does more levels than anyone here talks about doing personally, tell me how silly it is to quote rule after rule after rule, that speaks volumes to me personally. Because in his words he says, "you need to have people skills, common sense and a basic understanding of the rules to officiate any game." He further went on to say, "if you do not have people skills to deal with coaches and players, you are in big trouble." Call it what you want, but I have seen more articles in Referee Magazine about "Presence, Dealing with conflict, Are you Argumentative, First Impressions," and a few other topics taht had little or nothing to do with passing a test, I am convinced.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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