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Old Mon Sep 09, 2013, 01:55pm
Suudy Suudy is offline
I Bleed Crimson
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 477
Originally Posted by Rich View Post
I've seen crews work where every official seems to mirror everything. I think that's completely unnecessary. YMMV.
The mechanics folk seem to flip-flop on this one. I remember a state clinic I attended years ago where they emphasized absolutely no mirroring of signals (especially TDs). This applied even to stopping the clock. Then, just a couple of years later, some officials returned from a state clinic pointing out that all officals--except the covering official--are to mirror stop the clock signals. And other officials were to stop the clock when the covering official signaled an incomplete pass. Then against, just a few years later, no mirroring of signals. At one point, there was even a mechanic to not have other officials stop the clock on an incomplete pass (since the incomplete signal itself was sufficient).

For my part, I think the problem is poor mechanics and lack of consistency. The evaluators see several crews doing something poorly or inconsistently, or several different crews doing things differently, so then they come out with some new mechanics to try and get things into shape. Then it oscillates between new mechanics, crews not well trained or practiced, then back to new mechanics.

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