Sun Sep 08, 2013, 08:29pm
I drank what?
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Winter Garden, FL
Posts: 1,085
- Runner runs for a first down and forward progress is stopped in bounds: Wind the clock to let everyone know he was in bounds, Kill the clock for the first down and let your white hat know he was stopped in bounds so the clock will start on ready.
- Runner runs for a first down and forward momentum continues out of bounds: Kill the clock, let your white hat know he was OOB and the clock will start on the snap.
- Runner is short of the first down and forward progress is stopped obviously in bounds: Just signal the next down and mark the end of the run.
- Runner is short of the first down and forward progress is stopped near the sideline but in bounds: You can wind the clock, though it isn't necessary because if you are not killing it, it shouldn't stop. When it is real close you might wind it so everyone knows right away that progress stopped in bounds. This is especially important late in a tight ball game as the coaches are trying to decide on a play as fast as possible. Also, they want to know if a TO is necessary.
- Runner is short of the first down and forward progress is stopped OOB: Kill the clock.
"Contact does not mean a foul, a foul means contact." -Me