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Old Sun Sep 08, 2013, 06:47pm
OKREF OKREF is offline
NFHS Official
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Originally Posted by gr8fuldiver View Post
I am a new official and have had trouble with this mechanic. I have asked many in my association, and have had almost as many different interpretations of how to signal and if I stop or wind the clock. (When I ask about first down or others, I am asking about if he has obviously crossed the first down threshold or was tackled/pushed out of bounds before reaching it. I hope you can provide the mechanics of both situations in your answers).

1. If the runner is initially down inbounds very close to the line and winds up out of bounds , and I deem his forward motion was NOT stopped before he was down, what and how do I signal (both first down and others please)?

2. If the runner is forced out of bounds before he is down or runs out on his own, what and how do I signal (both first down and others please)?

3. If I deem the runners forward momentum has stopped BEFORE he is out of bounds (I.E. he has stopped moving forward and is pushed backwards out of bounds), what and how do I signal (both first down and others please)? I think I have this one....wouldn't you wind the clock then stop it because he went out of bounds?

I have been told by some (for example on the last question) NOT to stop the clock because he was stopped in bounds, that I SHOULD stop the clock because he was stopped inbounds but went out, and still others have told me toward the end of the game, just let the clock run so "We can all go home"!! That is why I'm so confused....many different answers to the same questions....please help.

I do apologize that this is so long and wordy, but I really want to get it right....the kids deserve it.

God bless....


1. You answered your own question. You said he was down before going out of bounds. Wind the clock, then stop the clock if it is a first down. Clock will start on ready for play .

2. Simply just stop the clock.

3. If forward progress was stopped prior to going out of bounds, wind the clock, then stop for a first down. Going out of bounds here is irrelevant, since you deemed forward progress was stopped inbounds. Clock will start on ready for play.
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