Thread: test tomorrow
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Old Thu Jun 05, 2003, 12:49pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by Nevadaref

You are saying that if we give a bunch of officials only the answer sheet and let them just guess T or F, that their average score will approach 50% as the number of officials that we do this with gets bigger and bigger. That is absolutely true.
I have no clue if your analogy is correct, nor do I really care. But you have to understand that people here are just going to disagree with you because it does not fit what they have experienced or will try to justify it because they take this test and get high marks.

Originally posted by Nevadaref

Therefore, the scoring of the test is misleading because the scores not only don't reflect your officiating ability, they don't even accurately approximate your rules knowledge!

I and many people have been saying that for years. And one of the reasons I have yet to be asked by an assignor or clinician, "what was your test score this past year?" They do not ask that. And the funny thing, I just attended a classroom session for a camp this weekend, and the guy running the camp was more concerned about who was sitting up in the front of the room. Because the preception is that the best "students" sit in the front of the class to hear, respond or to be called on to answer questions. And those that sit in the back of the room are the "slackers." What is funny about that, there have been studies that back up that claim.

Originally posted by Nevadaref

Mick, that is what I object to. I believe that if we are going to go through the process of taking the test that we should at least make it meaningful in some manner.
The funny thing about this discussion has always been, when we are out on the court, no one ever talks about these tests to us or even mentions them, but we sit around here and debate their importance or lack there of. But they are here to stay, I just think we need to keep them in perspective.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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