Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Martin. In our area, Game Clocks are only run by certified officials, and some of the, "Do/Don't" advise given includes:
If at all possible, meet with the Game Officials during their pre-game. Ask for help with clear signals, especially from off officials (R, U, BJ) on sideline plays.
(Can't explain why, but sideline officials in black pants are not as easy to pick up, as they were with white knickers, especially in front of team box).
Wing official on close sideline are often totally blocked out by team
When field Officials signal "Stop the Clock", ask them to look at the clock and signal UNTIL it stops.
Focus on LJ for 1st down Clock Stoppage.
Understand how R signals Snap, Wind, Ready. Establish how to communicate with R, if adjusting time is necessary. Alternative to fussing with clock, is R retaking control of time temporarily by holding time until he starts it with a wind signal)
Biggest challenge is avoiding distractions, which come in all sizes and shapes.
Best defense is stay focused on the game, some helps are:
* have a backup clock AND RUN IT- keeping clocks in sync draws focus.
* Keep track of down and distance (to yourself)
* Make a note of each Time Out ( 2:20/2nd/B) and Score (2:20/2nd/B/7)
* Keep record of any injured players (time/status/details if observed)
During on-field pre-game period, CHECK the CLOCK, Stop-Start-Reset.
Warm-up after Halftime is MANDATORY, when 2nd team comes on field, reset clock to 3:00, and run it down.
When in doubt, look to the Referee for signals.
[B]Some things to avoid:[/B]
A press box is full of distractions, AVOID them all.
* Don't pay attention to announcers - focus on field officials.
* Ignore "Press Box Guests"
* Don't pay attention to coaches in the booth
* Don't voice opinions, even when asked
* Focus on the field.
* Be polite, but don't allow yourself to get involved or distracted
DO NOT RUN THE SCOREBOARD, OR A 25 SECOND CLOCK- Doing so will inevitably BITE YOU ON THE BUTT (OK to post Scores or TOs, because the clock will be stopped allowing you to do so).
Good luck and thanks for volunteering (Remember: No good deed goes unpunished)