Originally Posted by ballgame99
I'm just saying if its bang/bang and the defender is under the basket, I'm going to lean towards a block. That's all Im saying. And from the angle given, it looks like B1 slides into his final position while A1 is airborne.
Oh, I understood what you said. I'm just saying what does it have to do with the NFHS rule book? There's nothing to support it and if I'm the defensive head coach and you tell me that you may also be calling a T on me.
If B1 doesn't establish LGP in time, so be it. However if you tell a (high school) coach - or your partner or your supervisor - the call had anything to do with B1 being under the basket, you're going against the rule book.
Originally Posted by johnny d
...no way C can effectively officiate on ball matchup and worry about where secondary defender is.
Yes there is but it would have involved the C getting up court faster since in transition he should try to be even with the ball between the tops of the circles. If he's where he's supposed to be he can at least anticipate what's going to happen next (i.e., a second defender coming over). By not moving with the ball the C created a 2-person call situation in a 3-person game. In an ideal world first whistle on that play should come from C since it started and ended in his primary. L should be secondary.
"Everyone has a purpose in life, even if it's only to serve as a bad example."
"If Opportunity knocks and he's not home, Opportunity waits..."
"Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?" "Not until 4."
"The NCAA created this mess, so let them live with it." (JRutledge)
Last edited by JetMetFan; Fri Aug 30, 2013 at 02:09pm.