Thread: UIC's
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Old Fri Aug 30, 2013, 01:58pm
chuck chopper chuck chopper is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 414
Around here the assigners are Deputy UIC's. Each responsible for recruiting, training, holding small clinics for just their group (usually 30 umps or so). Typical season is dealing with 7 recreation leagues each with 3 age brackets.
Each league having their own rules which we discuss during the March training classes. The challenges I have seen my boss go thru are never having enough Umps to cover all the games. Dealing with the Commissioner of each league and the Coaches who will contact you directly. Game cancellations or relocations causing you to scramble and contact you Umps at the last second. Umps that don't pay attention to the rules. You will find yourself using Umps that aren't yours when you get despirate. It's a thankless job that many would not touch but we need good UIC's/DUIC's. Good luck.
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