Originally Posted by Sgt Siler
Hark Dulai is the UIC for the league hosting the tourney. His brother was the protesting manager. Hark was nothing more than a fan at that game. He replied to this post, clarifying information I had gotten wrong, including the catcher dropping the ball. Instead of taking the corrected information Hark gets bombarded because as a IUC he should "back the blue", among other things. I have since learned more information and yes the PU blew the call and yes the tourney officials dropped the ball (there was an attempt to protest).
My friend Hark Dulai is an outstanding little league UIC and HS umpire, working his way towards college ball. When he replies to this post to clarify the details he gets kicked in the teeth.
This is an umpire Forum and here is what your friend said
The worse part is the the four umpires on the field never got together to discuss the call. If you are going to have four umpires during an all star game you would assume at least one of them would know the rules.
I realize he is your friend but it is Hark who "blasted" the umpires who were present by saying that the "other" umpires should know the rules.
You said Hark works college and HS and therefore he should know first hand that your partner (s) do not interject themselves into the game unless there is a protest or the PU asks for assistance. There was not a protest nor did the PU ask for assistance so there was no need for the other umpires to get involved, yet Hark took exception and I can understand because his brother was coaching. "Too close to home"
In a nutshell we have a UIC (Hark) whose brother was the coach and we have yourself a friend of the UIC and when the replys were not to your liking , you call it "bashing" etc. when all were were doing is responding to the facts presented. Hark is the one who threw the other umpires under the bus by his comments.
Pete Booth