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Old Wed Jun 04, 2003, 09:08pm
BigUmpJohn BigUmpJohn is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 164
I forget the rule number and sections and such in the ASA rule book, so I'm winging it, but I think I got it.

Since the runner was hit with the ball BEHIND the second baseman, the ball is live. The play continues. I'm unsure if the second baseman having a chance to make a play on the ball has anything to do with it or not (rule book in the car), but I don't think it does.

If the runner was hit with the ball BEFORE the second baseman, the ball is dead. The batter receives first (scored a fielder's choice), a run scores, and there is a runner on third since all were forced.

I think I got it.
"If you want something that is fair in life, hit a ball between first and third base."
John Palko
Pittsburgh, PA
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