Originally Posted by Manny A
From the LL Softball Rule Book under 8.01:
(d) The pitcher shall take a position with his/her pivot foot in contact with the pitcher’s plate. This contact must be on or partially on the top surface of the pitcher’s plate. The non-pivot foot must be on or behind the pitcher’s plate.
(e) While on the pitching plate, the pitcher shall take the signal or appear to be taking a signal with the hands separated. The ball must remain in either the glove or pitching hand.
I may be wrong, but as I read that, LL softball rules do not require the pitcher to have the hands separated when she first steps on the pitcher's plate. She just has to have them separated when she gets settled and looks in for the signal.
If the pitch starts when her hands separate, and her hands are together when she steps on the plate, how can she take signs with the hands separated without violating the requirement to pitch with a continuous motion?