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Old Tue Aug 13, 2013, 05:02pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Keep It Simple ...

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
The rule is rather simple for the most part ...
Here are the simple parts: Once a player stops dribbling and holds the ball, he establishes a pivot foot. On a pass, or a shot, the pivot foot may be lifted, but may not return to the floor before the ball is released. Any other foot movement other than these two situations represent a traveling violation. That's "Traveling 101".

There is a complicated part to the rule: Jump stops to set the pivot foot. Players sometimes jump off of two feet, sometimes off of one foot, sometimes land on two feet, sometimes land on one foot, and jump off that foot to the other foot. Sometimes players can use either foot as the pivot foot, sometimes players can use neither foot as a pivot foot. That "Traveling 401", a graduate level course.

Note that I don't go into jump stops in my Mythbusters list. I did it on purpose, the list is designed to educate players ,coaches, and fans, not officials, with the possible exception of spanking brand new rookie officials.
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