Whatcha got?
At the end of last season I ran into several fellow officials at different places and different times and we always seemed to share stories about our respective seasons. I, for one, enjoyed telling stories about some of the interesting or goofy stuff that had happened and sureashell* enjoyed listening to others tell theirs. I thought it would be a good idea if other officials in our association got together and shared with one another some stories that could be used as teaching tools, kind of like a season debrief with an educational slant. Unfortunately it never came off. So I'm hoping some folks here would be willing to share their stories or experiences in the following categories:
Successes (Struggled, then nailed it!) What worked?
Screw ups (Doh!)
Finally got to apply...
Break-through moments (Oh, now I understand.)
Funny business (Not on my watch!)
I was in the soup, here's why, and here's how I got out of it.
I was in the soup, here's why, and I didn't (couldn't) get out of it.
Ack! I should have known that...
I wish we pre-gamed thaaaat.
Practical application of what the book says. For example: three seconds, leaving the court for unauthorized reasons, etc.
*Tip of the cap to JR
Big thanks to anyone who takes the time to share.