Originally Posted by Andy
Let's see....when my wife found out that I was selected for a National in San Diego, her exact words were....
"There is no way you are going to San Diego without me."
Didn't leave me a lot of negotiating room.....
That's funny Andy, my wife said the EXACT same thing!! And so did my daughter, and she drug her boyfriend along too.
But as Irish said, I do see some issues at Nationals with this. It takes a certain type of family (spouse, kids etc) to make it work. In San Diego we rented a car, one that I saw to and from the fields (some days) and that was about it they (wife daughter and my soon to be son in law) took it and had a great week sight seeing and I spent my time at the park. It worked perfect, no issues at all.
This past week there was an umpire whose wife was with him at a National, never saw her except sitting in her chair watching his games (ok she had a book on her lap a couple times, but she looked like she was watching). As a matter of fact Saturday night at the awards get together and final day assignement meeting she was sitting outside in their vehicle, well till the UIC saw her anyway.
But I do know what you are saying there are and have been issues at many Nationals, heck even just state level events with spouses being where they should not be, and causing general awkwardness. SO I guess I wouldn't be such an absolute as you were in the no spouses / family cause bottom line any of us with a significant others couldn't do what we do if they aren't supportive of us, but I will say the family has to "get it" and clearly understand the time they will and the time they will not get to be involved in their umpires tournament experience.