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Old Tue Jul 30, 2013, 09:53am
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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Posts: 937
Resume partners

I'm sure we've all been paired with partners like that at one time or another.
Guy's like that are out there, they're not going away, so you have to get use to it. When it happens to me, I do any or all of the following....

1) If it starts during our pre-game, I'll politely swing the conversation to what we need to be doing as crew to properly and effectively work the upcoming game.

2) As far as the 'bragging' (where he's been, where's he's going etc.), I find that a sincere comment like, "that's great", "good for you", "that's quite a honor", etc. usually works at slowing down the need for him to recite the rest of his resume.

3) During the game, I find by just taking my proper between innings position (PU or BU), that eliminates the opportunity for him to come on over and rattle on about his 'resume.' After all, between inning conversations with partners should be kept to a minimum.

4) If we're working two in a row, between games, I'll work hard at keeping our conversation to a post game and getting ready for the next game.

As already stated, you have to focus on umpiring the game you're working. Focusing on that goes a long way to blocking out any distractions..,not just an annoying partner.

Last edited by KJUmp; Tue Jul 30, 2013 at 04:52pm.
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