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Old Sat Jul 27, 2013, 06:27am
jicecone jicecone is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave Reed View Post
It was a correct call. The B/R neither overran nor overslid the base, both of which imply the runner is attempting to reach 1st base as his primary goal. Instead he was gauging whether he could try to advance to second.

Even under-educated fans who want an out called because a B/R "turned left" after overrunning 1st will notice that in this case the runner wasn't even remotely trying to beat the ball to the bag.

And, what do you suppose caused the defense to tag him?
Dave ,

1. The runner clearly overran the base and "returns immediately".
2. What rule is he violating by "gauging whether he could try to advance to second"?
3. The rule has nothing to do with the action of the runner before he get to the bag.
4. Was there a attempt or feint by the runner to advance to second , once he overran the bag?

Now I will admit "on video replay" there seemed to be some hesitant move on the runners part when he "arrived" at the base. Which probably contributed to the out call however that was marginal at best.
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