Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
No, they don't mean just the defense, because the offense could be THE offended team.
Originally Posted by NCAA Rule 4.9
If the act clearly prevented a fielder from catching a fly ball in the field of play, the ball is dead, the batter is out, and the umpire shall award the offended team the appropriate compensation that, in his or her opinion, would have resulted had interference not taken place.
Your contention is that in the case where the interference prevented a fielder from catching a fly ball, this part of rule could ONLY refer to the defense. I contend that if that were the case, it would say "the defense" instead of "the offended team". If they meant ONLY the defense in this part of the rule, they would not be vague as to what team could be "offended". I further contend that after "the ball is dead, the batter is out", the remaining offended team in the OP is clearly the offense.