You do realize the topic is "Spectator Interference", right?? No, they don't mean just the defense, because the offense could be THE offended team. The rule applies to a spectator interfering with live play on the field; ANY live play, not just one where the defense is kept from making a catch.
But it does say THE ..... TEAM; and that is singular. So, until the rule is interpreted differently by the only person that can, only one or the other can be THE offended team.
In the case of preventing a fielder from making a catch, THE offended team is the defense. In the case of touching a live ball when the defense had no play, THE offended team is the offense.
I believe KR is fond of saying you need to fit the play ruling to the rule, don't keep trying to fit the rule to the play.
Last edited by AtlUmpSteve; Wed Jul 24, 2013 at 05:29pm.