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Old Tue Jul 23, 2013, 08:29am
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. View Post
With all due respect Chuck, your two cents isn't worth even one cent. I am almost 61 and MTD, Jr., is 23, and we bought "ballons" for use during summer fast pitch tournaments for the following reason: The FP tournaments in our area are played under the following time constraints: A game lasts 1:20 and a new game starts every 1:30. That means a crew has only ten minutes to change from Plate Gear to Base Gear and vice versa. If you are like Mark, Jr., and I that means changing in or out of full Plate Gear which really cannot be done in 10 minutes and when it is very hot, it means that one does not really have a time to take a break between games.

Using a "ballon" allows us to wear Combo Pants and all we have to do is change between Plate and Base shoes and shin guards.

MTD, Sr.
I don't usually disagree with you, but ...

That is a common time constraint, although I just saw one with 1:20/1:45 to allow for inning finishing and ties.
Anyway, doesn't the finishing BU wait for the changing PU and start the next game?
And like Rob said, shirt/CP is the quickest part of the change.

Also, what is the relationship of combo pants to CP? I still would change pants to fresh ones and remove the cup/supporter.
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Last edited by CecilOne; Tue Jul 23, 2013 at 09:01am.
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