Thread: What do you do?
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Old Mon Jul 22, 2013, 04:38pm
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
Completely wrong. Unfortunate, obviously. But you simply don't kill a play unless you have to.

What happens when this fly ball from the other field hits F4 - and you kill it... and they throw out the BR anyway? You cannot call BR out if you've killed a live ball play.

99% of the time, that errant ball is going to have no effect on the play - perhaps a momentary distraction that doesn't change the outcome. But if you kill play when you see that ball fly onto your field, you've just changed the possible outcome.
I agree now.
Just to clarify, I never said just for a ball/object flying in; only if it struck a directly involved player. As said now, not then either.
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