Originally Posted by shagpal
I have yet to see an NCAA umpire wear NCAA or conference uniform, HS umpire wear NFHS or assoc uniform, USSSA umpire wear utrip uniform, or any other sanction umpire wear uniform out of sanction. BUT, I frequently see ASA umpires wearing ASA at non-ASA specific sanction events. I say its an ASA and ASA umpire problem, but you insist otherwise.
For once I somewhat agree with you. I don't see NCAA gear worn elsewhere. I don't see USSSA worn elsewhere. I DO see, however, the TASO hat worn elsewhere --- usually by 1st year high school guys who think they are big-timing the others by showing up wearing it. Interestingly, by the 2nd year these same guys realize how stupid they looked and cut it out.
On the other hand, at least around here, it's severely frowned upon by assignors to allow people to wear the ASA hat at a non-ASA event... and if you try wearing one at a NFSA event, it's likely to get you booted for the entire weekend. That said, on the RARE occasion that someone wears something they are not supposed to, it's ASA gear. I suspect, at least in the cases of these rare individuals, that it's because ASA is the only organization training newbies - and the newbies are the ones that don't know any better until someone tells them.