I have yet to see an NCAA umpire wear NCAA or conference uniform, HS umpire wear NFHS or assoc uniform, USSSA umpire wear utrip uniform, or any other sanction umpire wear uniform out of sanction. BUT, I frequently see ASA umpires wearing ASA at non-ASA specific sanction events. I say its an ASA and ASA umpire problem, but you insist otherwise.
Originally Posted by Big Slick
Working with unlogo'ed hat is relatively new here. We had an abundance of ASA tournaments in the past, and high school ball. Therefore, that was the gear. So when this tournament came around, most couldn't/wouldn't lay out the necessary expense to get plain clothing.
Plus, I didn't say it was the only reason, just another reason. It is all systemic anyway, umpires that do care about not looking like a clown are those that put the time, effort and money into becoming better.