No, I think YOU missed the point.
Its not just the ASA, its their sloppy umpires that wear the brand simply to garner the paychecks when they have no business doing so. If you let them get away with it, they do it, and they do.
Originally Posted by Big Slick
You totally missed to point of my post. The two tournaments I referred to are not sanctioned by any organization (or ones that at least manufactures any uniforms). But umpires are still wearing logos because that's what the only hats/shirts they have purchased for umpiring.
We understand you have a burr in one of your orifices about ASA for some reason. We get it, we understand, move on with another argument. The ASA isn't the only organization that has umpires that are out to collect money. I believe you can find that in every organization. Politics exists in every organization as well.
And what exactly did the NCAA "dictate years ago"?