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Old Tue Jul 16, 2013, 11:45am
shagpal shagpal is offline
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Posts: 372
Wearing properly logo'ed uniforms is part of the cost of working. Umpiring is an avocation, not an occupation. The ASA is sandbagged with paycheck umpires, something that could easily be fixed if they made small adjustments to policy and enforcement.

Its those same paycheck umpires that have no business working college ball, and that is what the NCAA dictated years ago.

Originally Posted by Big Slick View Post
Absolutely correct. Most umpires fail to recognize that when you have letters/patches on your shirt/hat/ball bag you could open yourself up to a wide range of issues. Steve, you and I have seen a lot of strange uniforms in our time "on the boarder." It was interesting that a coach once pointed out how my partner and I were dressed in plain uniforms.

What this thread has failed to addressed is the 'why?'. My theory is purely economics. Most won't spend the extra money on plain clothing. For example, my area runs a regional college club tournament in the fall. This is their first experience with "college ball" (it is about one level below DIII). They play with NCAA rules with some modifications. The local guys have ASA and State HS hats, and I keep harping on not wearing logo'ed hats. They won't purchase them. Most wear a plain jacket, so the shirt really isn't an issue. But I have made numerous attempts to change the hats.
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